Teacher self-efficacy (teachers’ beliefs in their own ability to bring about the outcomes that they hope to see)
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Measurement instrument overview
This survey is designed to help provide an understanding of teachers’ beliefs in their own ability to bring about the outcomes that they hope to see. Researchers have named this concept as teachers’ self-efficacy.
Respondents are asked to indicate their opinion on a twelve-item continuous Likert-scale survey instrument, in which responses range from (1) “None at All” to (9) “A Great Deal.” In their responses, respondents are asked to consider the combination of their current ability, resources, and opportunity to do the things asked about in their present position. The survey items tend to group into three moderately correlated factors: Efficacy in Student Engagement (items 2,3,4,11), Efficacy in Instructional Practices/Strategies (items 5,9,10,12), and Efficacy in Classroom Management (items 1,6,7,8).i
Eight additional demographic questions are included on the survey form. These questions ask about respondents’ gender, race, grade level, primary subject matter, school context, and years of experience. These demographic questions can be added to the survey to support data disaggregation and analysis.
i Tschannen-Moran, M., & Woolfolk Hoy, A. (2001). Teacher efficacy: Capturing an elusive construct. Teaching and Teacher Education, 17, 783–805.
Can i measure teachers self efficacy regarding any other areas using these scale .
For example, teachers self efficacy regarding prevention of child abuse..
I want conduct study in this area..
Can i modify this scale.. Kindly respond..
Hi Bincy,
Thanks for your comment, and apologies on the late response! Yes, the tool can be used for other areas and the scale can be modified, though validity findings used the measure with the current scales.
I am interested in learning how you phrased questions about self-efficacy
Thanks for your comment! The questions from the survey can be found here.
Hi! I would like to know if I can use the Teachers’ Sense of Self-Efficacy Scale on my Thesis Writing as a graduate student of Clinical Psychology. If yes, please let me know how can I get a permission letter with your approval. Thank you
The Teachers’ Sense of Self-Efficacy scale is publicly available, so you may use it just needs to be cited in your work.
Thank you!